What Are You Waiting For?

Tonya Shepherd
5 min readApr 21, 2022

Now is the time! Tomorrow may never come!

Everyone has something in their life that has prevented them from becoming the highest and best version of themselves.

Everyone who is economically disadvantaged has some inner enslavement that keeps them that way.

It’s true.

In every era, regardless of racism, slavery, sexism, unfairness, social engineering, or any other social injustice that one can imagine. There have always been those bold, brave people who have taken their lives into their hands, defied the odds, and freed themselves from all forms of social enslavement. What’s more, they lived to tell us their stories.

So, it’s not social injustice or social programming that keeps one mentally and emotionally enslaved. It’s the Will to Fail that keeps one enslaved. If one does not have the Will to Win, they have the Will to Fail. For whatever reason, they will not even try to win at the Game of Life.

I am no exception to that. I had a Will to Fail but did not know it. I blamed external forces for my impoverished predicament because that was all that I knew how to do. I did not have a clue about personal development. That was not something that was taught in our schools. We were taught to blame others and the government.

The Government is a consumer. It is not a producer. Therefore, it is designed to take only, and not give. That is what it means to consume. When I discovered this, I decided that it was a waste of time to blame the Government for my problems in life. The Government would continue to do what it was designed to do.

What about blaming others?

Well, I decided that blaming others for the adversity in my life was a waste of time. What human being does not suffer hard times? Unfairness? Injustice?

Regardless of whether one is economically advantaged or disadvantaged, we eat, urinate, defecate, have sex and do all the basic things that humans do.

We each have 24-hours a day. None of us has more time than the others. It is what we do with our time that makes the difference. I decided that others were not the source of my problems. The problems that others created in my life, were the external manifestation, of internal mismanagement of my resources, and miscommunication with myself.

What I mean by that is this. Before others can be allowed to mistreat me. On some level, I am mistreating myself. Think about that for a moment. I concede that we may not be loved by everyone. However, just because one does not like or love you. This does not mean that they will mistreat you. I have learned that others treat us, the way that we treat ourselves.

After eliminating the blame that I had given to external forces. I had no one and nothing else to look at but myself.

I asked myself, “What are you allowing to hold you back in life?”

The answer that I came up with was FEAR. I was allowing FEAR to hold me back in life.

I decided that I needed to know what the root of this fear was, and eradicate it.

The root was one that I never expected. It had to do with my upbringing in a fire and brimstone church. Religion, namely the doctrine of the Rapture, was the root of this fear that had sabotaged my life for decades.

I was ten years old when I first heard about the Rapture. I always wanted to be ready when Jesus returned. This desire for readiness created in me a FEAR of starting anything worthwhile on the Earth. Meaning this, I did not want to start a business, go to college, or do anything socially productive because it would be a waste of time. Why start anything if Jesus was just going to come back and destroy it all?

What was this? It was a Fear of Tomorrow.

I was living in the future, and I was afraid of it. I was living in the future at the expense of the present.

Unknown to me, that way of thinking stayed with me until I was in my 40s. Over the years, the faces of the fear changed, but it had the same root.

One day while in my 40s, I woke up one morning. It was like I was waking up from a bad dream that was my life. In my 40s; broke, divorced, and homeless. And, Jesus still had not returned to the earth.

That was literally what I was thinking. I went to the library that day to research Jesus, to see what was written about him outside of the Bible. I discovered that Jesus had died 2500 years ago, and that is how long people have been waiting for his return.

My world fell apart. I felt betrayed because I had wasted so much time believing a lie. After I licked my wounds, a thought occurred to me. The Bible must have an esoteric meaning. It cannot be literal. With that thought, I began my journey of finding the truth.

The truth set me free, and I began to prosper. Indeed, there was one meaning/interpretation of the Bible for the masses, and another for the initiated. I discovered this to be true of all religions.

That is my story. What is yours?

What has kept you from having the life that you want to live all these years?

Once you discover that. Ask yourself this, “Will you continue to allow it to hold you back?”

You deserve to be happy, prosperous, loved, and whole. All these things begin within you. Then, what is internal becomes external.

You must decide who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have. Then, you must immediately start living that way in your mind and heart. Soon you will be living that way spiritually, emotionally, mentally, financially, socially, and materially.

Everything begins within you first.

Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. All that we have is now. Now, determines who and what we will be, do, and have in the tomorrow’s that we are blessed to see.

Whatever it is that will positively enrich and enhance your life. Do it now! Don’t live in the future at the expense of the present.

We only have so much time on this planet. Pay the low price now, for the Pain of Self-Discipline, so that you will not have to pay the highest price later, of the Pain of Regret.



Tonya Shepherd

I am an interfaith Ordained Minister; an Accredited Professional Life Coach; a Personal Growth Consultant; Life Strategist; and Reiki Master.